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Android Interactive Books


Saama is the real one company and proving a hard worker team for Apple / Android Apps & Gaming, I wish to recommened as I have good work experience with Saama Infratech.
Larry Terous, Canada

Google Android iBooks

Android iBooks is an amazing way to download and read books. iBooks includes the iBookstore, where you can download the latest bestselling books or your favorite classics – day or night. Browse your library on a beautiful bookshelf, tap a book to open it, flip through pages with a swipe or a tap, and bookmark or add notes to your favorite passages.

The textbook dilemma.
For hundreds of years, textbooks have put a world of knowledge in the hands of students. But while the way people learn has changed dramatically, the traditional textbook has stayed the same.

Some things don’t get better with age.
Paper textbooks are expensive to produce and expensive for schools to buy. Which is why schools are forced to use a book for several years to make the finances work. But information changes so quickly that some textbooks are out of date almost before they’re published. And as books are passed along from one student to the next, they get more highlighted, dog-eared, tattered, and worn.

Heavy backpacks. Weighed-down students.
It’s no secret that paper textbooks are heavy. But what you may not know is that backpack weight is an increasing problem among kids. Studies show that heavy backpacks can lead to both chronic back pain and poor posture — and many kids are carrying a quarter of their body weight in textbooks.

What is the Mobile Technology...

Mobile technology is a collective term used to describe the various types of cellular communication technology. Mobile code division multiple access (CDMA) technology has evolved rapidly over the past few years. Since the start of this millennium, a standard mobile device has gone from being no more than a simple two-way pager to being a mobile phone, GPS navigation device, an embedded web browser and instant messaging client, and a handheld game console.